Friday, August 7, 2009

Billion Dollar US Embassy in Islamabad and the Threat to Pakistan's Sovereignty: Economistan

It has been reported that the United States has been involved in creating and supporting secessionist movement in Balochistan along with promoting unrest in northern Pakistan by supporting some Taliban elements in Swat. Many news sources have mentioned that the insurgency in Swat has been fermented by the Taliban who are using US and Indian made weapons. Many in Pakistan also doubt whether some of these so called Taliban in Swat are actually Muslims, based on the medical reports by the doctors.

Arab media has also reported in an article titled, “An Arab Country that Saved the Day for Pakistan”, that many of these Western countries were more inclined to give aid directly to Balochistan and NWFP rather than to Pakistan when the so-called “Friends of Pakistan” forum was taking place. The report further added that there was a conspiracy to split Pakistan into two geographic units. The so called “Trust Fund” was going to be initiated for the purpose. However, an Arab country saved Pakistan from such a heinous endeavor from the so called “Friends of Pakistan”. It is no surprise that while Pakistan was engaged in the riskiest of its campaigns to wipe out the Taliban from Swat, the US started its operation in the Helmand province that could have further created more trouble for the Pakistan Armed Forces who were already engaged in the Frontier Province. The US operation in Helmand meant that Pakistan would have to safeguard its border with Afghanistan in Balochistan as well, which would have rendered Pakistani forces thin. Even the American media leaves no stone unturned to create further problems for Pakistan. In the map published by the New York Times, Pakistan’s Balochistan province is shown with a dotted line just like Indian part of Kashmir as if Balochistan was not part of Pakistan as recognized by the international community.

Reports that the US has plans to build a $ 1 billion dollar military cantonment in its embassy in Islamabad comes as a saddening surprise to most in Pakistan. The media has reported that the US has purchased hectares of land for the said purpose and 1000 marines along with their armored vehicles are going to be stationed there. Not to mention all the high tech spy equipment and other gadgetry that goes with it. Such an act by the US would remind a student of history of the East India Company that came to the Subcontinent in the garb of trade and sought permission from the Mughals to create similar like forts and ended up invading India.....

For more on this article, please click on the following link: Billion Dollar US Embassy in Islamabad and the Threat to Pakistan's Sovereignty: Economistan

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