Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pakistan Isn’t Cambodia: Denver Post

I’ve seen occasional recent references comparing Pakistan to Cambodia during the Vietnam War. If the Bush administration, or Barack Obama, thinks the two are comparable it is making the biggest miscalculation since the U.S. made the mistake of getting too close to China in the Korean War. Obama wants to expand the current Bush attacks on border areas to include an attack on Osama bin Laden where ever he might be in Pakistan.

U.N. forces had routed the North Korea Army and appeared to on the verge of winning when China became concerned that the Americans might decide to go ahead and conquer China as well because China had been supplying the North Koreans. China responded by sending in its army. President Harry Truman decided that it was best not to antagonize the Chinese any more than necessary and prohibited bombing supply bases in China.

Enemies using sanctuaries isn’t a new situation for the U.S. Andrew Jackson faced such a situation along the border of what was then Spanish owned Florida during the administration of President James Monroe. Jackson took care of the problem by in effect declaring war on Spain with nothing more than an ambiguous letter from President Monroe. Jackson invaded Florida without any authorization from Congress and captured the Spanish governor at a poorly defended fort at Pensacola. Spain after a protest decided Florida wasn’t worth the trouble and ceded it to the U.S.

For more on this article, please click on the following link: Pakistan Isn’t Cambodia: Denver Post

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